The Dangers Surrounding Asbestos
Asbestos has been banned entirely since 1999 in the UK, as it was discovered it poses a range of different risks to our health. Asbestos was a commonly used material in many different areas of construction work and buildings in previous decades, specifically the 1950s. It is commonly found in walls, ceilings, flooring and other major parts of a building.
The main reason that asbestos becomes dangerous is when the fibres are dispersed into the air, as they can be inhaled. If asbestos becomes airborne it could cause major health issues for the individual that inhales it and it has shown to have caused different types of lung cancer and breathing issues. It is also the biggest work-related health killer in the UK and sometimes symptoms do not show until many years after it was inhaled.
We aim to provide services that remove the risk of this happening, as asbestos often goes unnoticed and only in recent times has it become more apparent that it is an incredibly dangerous material if it is ever dispersed. Sometimes it is not necessary to remove the asbestos as this could cause further damage, however, with our asbestos survey service we will be able to analyse this and therefore advise you on the best plan of action.