Are Asbestos Surveys Required When Selling A Commercial Property?

When selling a commercial property, it’s important to follow legal and safety regulations. A key requirement is to ensure an asbestos survey is conducted. Asbestos, a dangerous material used in building construction, can pose serious health risks if not handled properly. Therefore, understanding the requirement for a quality asbestos survey is essential for both buyers and sellers of commercial properties to ensure compliance and safety.

Contact us today if you’re selling a commercial property and need an asbestos survey. Our skilled team at All About Asbestos offers thorough, professional inspections to meet legal requirements and protect your property value. Call us on 01843 600765 or email at to get in touch.

At All About Asbestos, we understand the importance of a safe and compliant property transaction. We provide complete asbestos surveys and management plans to help you handle all issues related to this hazardous material with confidence.

Understanding Asbestos Surveys: What You Need To Know

An asbestos survey is a comprehensive investigation of a building or property to establish the presence, location, and state of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). The whole idea behind this is to ensure that asbestos is managed or removed appropriately by law. When considering an asbestos survey, it’s important to factor in the asbestos survey cost, which can vary depending on the size and type of property. Generally, there are two types of asbestos surveys.

1. Management Survey

Management surveys find and evaluate asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) for ongoing maintenance, ensuring they are safely managed and not dangerous.

2. Refurbishment And Demolition Survey

These surveys identify ACMs (Asbestos-Containing Materials) that could be disturbed during major renovations or demolitions, so they can be removed or managed properly to prevent exposure.

Legal Requirements For Asbestos Surveys

Legal requirements for asbestos surveys vary depending on the type of property and its intended use. In the UK, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provide the legal framework for asbestos management. Key points include:

1. Duty To Manage Asbestos

Under these regulations, owners of non-domestic properties and employers must manage asbestos. This involves carrying out surveys to determine if there are any ACMs present and putting in place adequate management measures.

2. Survey Requirements For Commercial Property Sales

On the other hand, when selling a commercial property, there is no legal requirement for an asbestos compliance audit before the transfer of ownership takes place, but it is strongly recommended. A comprehensive survey aids in finding out possible hazards that the real estate could present; it also provides documents required by potential purchasers during negotiation and proves compliance with safety regulations. Eventually, it eases selling and increases the value of the estate.

3. Disclosure Obligations

Sellers have a responsibility to inform about what they know regarding the presence of asbestos inside their house/land. Thus, providing evidence of a recent asbestos survey helps fulfil this responsibility and protects you from any potential liabilities in future.

Why Asbestos Surveys Are Important?

1. Health And Safety

Serious health problems may arise due to asbestos exposure, like lung cancer or asbestosis. An asbestos survey helps risk management so that a building’s occupants and employees remain safe.

2. Property Value

Buildings which are known to have asbestos may lose their market value. However, conducting an asbestos survey gives buyers peace of mind while possibly increasing the property’s worth by being upfront about any concerns.

3. Legal Compliance

An asbestos survey is legally binding because it helps avoid fines or legal issues linked with asbestos management. In addition, it shows that the owner is taking control over upcoming dangers.

4. Smooth Transactions

If sellers have an updated asbestos report, it can make the sale process smoother. It gives buyers confidence about the property’s condition, reducing the likelihood of delays and complications during the sale.

How To Conduct An Asbestos Survey

1. Choose A Qualified Surveyor

A qualified and accredited asbestos surveyor is essential for conducting a thorough survey. It’s important to hire professionals with the right certifications to ensure the survey is done safely and in compliance with regulations.

2. Survey Planning

The surveyor will devise plans based on property size, age, and usage. In short, they will detail the areas for inspection alongside the kinds of tests to be carried out.

3. Survey Execution

During the survey, the surveyor will locate them inside the building material suspected of containing asbestos. Then, they take them into laboratories for testing purposes to confirm if the material was grain with asbestos fibre or not and how much based on percentages.

4. Report And Management Plan

Once surveys have been done, a comprehensive report from the surveyor will explain what has been discovered through these inspections. If asbestos has been found, it will contain an asbestos management plan, which outlines how it can be safely handled, removed or otherwise managed.

How To Proceed If Asbestos Is Found

1. Develop A Management Plan

Once the survey identifies any asbestos, a management plan should be drawn up to show how the asbestos will be handled. These entails putting in place means of controlling it, frequent inspections as well as keeping a record of its condition.

2. Hire Professional Removal Services

When there is a big problem concerning asbestos, choose a licensed commercial contractor to remove it. This is because only experts can remove any material containing such a substance, thereby safeguarding both the health and property from risks related to it.

3. Update Documentation

Always keep records of the asbestos survey, any removal work done, and the management plan. This information is crucial for proving compliance with safety regulations in future real estate transactions.

To manage commercial properties effectively, it’s important to understand the requirements for asbestos surveys. By complying with these requirements, you ensure safety and make it easier to sell your property in the future. We at All About Asbestos are here to help you navigate these requirements and ensure safe and compliant properties.

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Final Words

In conclusion, getting an asbestos survey is not just about following the law; it’s about making sure the property is safe for everyone. It also helps avoid delays and gives buyers confidence. A real professional can handle this process smoothly, ensuring you meet all requirements while protecting your property’s value.

For more information and assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Call us on 01843 600765 or email at for a free quotation.