Duty As A Property Owner
The government regulations state that anyone who owns a property before the year 2000 needs to have an asbestos survey London service provided by all about asbestos. This is because of the symptoms that can arise when people are exposed to asbestos for long periods of time.
It can be hard to see asbestos in your property due to its fine fibres and common features. Without specialised testing equipment, you are unable to detect the asbestos in your home or business property, and some online testing kits that are available are inaccurate or do not show the extent of the asbestos that could be damaging your health.
If the asbestos survey completed and compiled by our team does come back with asbestos being detected in your property, there is no need to panic. We can not only perform asbestos surveys in London, but we can also remove the dangerous asbestos from your property too.